Sunday, 4 October 2009

Week 3

Back in Schladming!
Was knackered yesterday, so just stayed in and watched films at Tiefenbach (my appartments)... woke up at 4.45am and thinking it was monday started frantically getting ready to go to the station and was halfway through brushing my teeth before i realised it was sunday and that i was in fact a MASSIVE idiot! Knowing my luck i'll wake up tomorrow at 5.00am, think it's Sunday, go back to sleep and miss my first day at school, sounds funny but it is actually the kind of thing i end up doing!

Still appartment hunting.... i think i'm being a bit picky. I've found a few appartments that are shared but i'm a bit wary about living, working and socialising with someone, might get a bit claustrophobic... also there are a lot of assistants that i met at training who said they might come and stay and the famo will hopefully be over a bit so it might start to take the piss if i was having visitors every weekend or every other weekend?? ahh i dunno, i'll sort something out sooner or later (i hope!!)
I also feel a bit split, i don't really want to leave Tiefenbach because... well let's not beat around the bush, the only people i know in the whole village live here!! Buuuuuuuuuuut i know it's not practical and, on the other hand i can't wait to get settled into my own place!

Gosh, these are hard decisions.... it doesn't help that i seem to have an acute inability to make even the smallest of arrangements, i am utterly incapable of booking flights due to the amount of small (but important) questions which happen in quick succession... forming the big one at the end when you have to "confirm" or "cancel", yeah it sounds easy but this sort of thing renders me completely deaf, dumb and mute, save for one word.... "muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum", i have issues navigating myself around Spar let alone deciding where to live and who to live with.... fuck!

On a positive note, the weather here is FANTASTISCH! Just been walking in the mountains with Vroni (my host) and her beeeeeutiful dog Laika (rosh you would love her), so now i think i'm going to have a shower, straighten my hair (always chills me out) and plan a bit more about what i'm going to say tomorrow in the lesson!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeek!

Tchiao for now x.x.x.x.x

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