Sunday 4 October 2009

Week 1

Ok, i've been here for nearly two weeks now and i'm just about settled in! I got here a couple of days before the end of the Mountain Bike world cup ended which meant i got to see some of my french friendies (Jason and Nige aaaaaaaand Rollie and Simon!). We went out for the final night and got suitably trollied... suddenly i felt like everything was going to be super and i didn't know what i was worried about all this time.... ?

So that was great and made me feel like i wasn't such a loner after all however, they did leave on the monday and i was back to feeling like i didn't know anyone..... anywhere!
I was staying with a really nice lady (Vroni) and her daughter (Franziska) though and they took me under their wing and introduced me to loads of poeple and we went out for dinner etc, so that was really nice!

The next few days were a whirlwind of registration at town halls and mobile phone buying with a side order of school visiting and appartment hunting, so i didnt feel too lonely because i had so much stuff to do and i had the training week to look forward to because i knew Cori would be there from Uni and that we could make ze big partytimez wiz each ozzer! :)

The school in Schladming is super toll! it's like the coolest school i've ever been in and all the students are awesome! They all just just kind of float around looking cool and wishing they were outside on the mountain (which, by the way is visible from every classroom i've been in: might be an issue in lessons where concentration is needed, from me and them!)

The school in Liezen is a lot more like High Storrs (my secondary school) it's waaaaaaaay bigger and the kids walk around with serious attitude, i asked one of the teachers if it was ok to smoke on the premises because i didn't want the kids to see me smoking and she laughed her head off and pointed to what i can only describe as a mass of bobbing caps surrounded by a thick cloud of smoke extending all the way up to the school doors.... this, apparently was the student smoking area... oooooooooook!

So those are my main schools but i'll be teaching in a kindergarten too (!!!!!!) can't wait for that! Anyways i'll put another post up for Training because it was a whole week and this ones already really long!!!


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