Monday 9 November 2009

Wow, it’s been a while since i wrote on here! I’ve been really busy and havn’t had a chance!
Mum and Roshie visited me two weeks ago, it was AMAZING we had such a good time and mum paid for EVERYTHING!! Yay! Mum made me a Sunday roast and Rosh provided true entertainment in a way only she can, examples of this were “aeroplanes dry my nasals out...” and “well i don’t know much but i do know your an idiot” hahaha god i miss her! It was really sad when they had to go home, and i had to go to school so i didn’t get to see them off which was gutting!
Last weekend was HALLOWEEN and Alaina came to visit me in schladderz! J Within hours of her arrival we had demolished 3 litres of Sturm and were well on our way to finishing off a six pack of Schladminger’s and being in merry mcmerry land! We went out in search of Nacho’s and found them we did..... they were the RANKEST nacho’s i have ever tasted, way too salty and with a honey mustard dressing on the side?????!!!!!! Errrrrrrm what are you playing at Austria...
Saturday was jokes... we went to play in the children’s playground and very nearly ended up having fisty cuffs with a 7 year old who was forcefully trying to evict us from the best swing in the whole area... (actually, if i’m being honest i think he would have totalled me and was more than a little bit scared of him and his 3 year old brother). So after this near miss we decided to leave the playground, fearing reprisals of some sort or, at worst some sort of play equipment related violence and moved on to spar to buy alcohol for the evenings festivities.
Due to my irrational fear of shop opening times in Austria and the fact that there was a bank holiday the following Monday, i decided it would be a good idea to hideously over-shop and towards the end of the spar trip resembled something along the lines of “maniac stocking up for the apocalypse”.... this was proven to be entirely unnecessary as the shops were, in fact open on the Monday..... very strange.....
Saturday evening was Halloween and we decided that it would be sacrilege to not go out again! We had a few Schladminger’s at myn and headed out to find a bar, we settled on somewhere called Tschugamuga’s which was without a doubt the most hilarious bar i’ve been in for a while! There were verging on a million football scarves and after a simple question about it to the bar man, we found ourselves being given the full frontal football scarf tour... turns out they are on rotation because there are too many to be out all at once, this, we were told is a logistical nightmare and is basically a full time job in itself.... interesting stuff..... Highlight of this bar was, without a doubt, being introduced to Tschugamuga beer! This stuff will blow your head off! Its about 9%, i had a few of them and was completely bungalowed!! J
Back to myn where i forced Alaina to watch the scariest movie i own... she wasn’t too keen at first but after i promised to stay awake till the end she agreed, i put it on, curled up in a ball and immediately fell aslepp...... soz Alaina..... hahahaha
So, Sunday rolled around and i dropped Alaina down at the station, bumped into Vroni who invited me over to Groebming for Franziska’s birthday party, i decided to go even though i looked like something that had crawled out from under a bridge somewhere and decided i could just find a quiet corner and hang out not bothering anyone with my offensive appearance.... no such luck, we arrived and walked through the door into a room full of screaming 13 year old girls all dressed as hippies! Sooo cute! Just as i was getting over this sudden increase in the level of noise being filtered into my (very sensitive) brain it was announced that the hip-hop lesson was about to begin.... errrrm cue speedy exit of me, vroni and cat, time for a very long walk with the dog i think!
So, this week at school passed in an excited blur, couldn’t wait for Vienna and by the time Friday rolled around i was more excited than words.... hundreds of assistants + Austria’s capital + Making party = oooooooh yes!
That was until i realised that there were numerous connections and a five hour journey standing between me and sturm with the other TA’s. Travelling on trains at the best of times in ENGLAND is somewhere between hell and a hard place for me, so as you can imagine this trip was somewhat daunting and i couldn’t wait for it to be over! J
It was every part as bad as i thought it was going to be, Friday evening train to Vienna..... very very busy. There were some extremely interesting characters occupying my carriages though, i think i radiate “weirdo’s talk to me” vibes. These included a couple with a serious misunderstanding of what is socially acceptable in the heavy petting department, a morbidly obese business man who i personally watched devour 2 filled baguettes and a family sized pack of kellys crisps and a family, the parents of whom smiled at you in that “awww aren’t our kids cute” way while their children attempted to break/draw on or generally destroy anything that looked even vaguely yours whilst simultaneously attempting to shatter your shin bones with the sheer force of consecutive drop kicks.... Thaks a lot OEBB....
I arrived at the station and met all the crew! Got back to Nichol’s and was handed a glass of sturm and a slice of pizza... mmmmm what happened thereafter can only be described as carnage, 48 hours of it! We got drunk in nichol’s, which by the way, is awesome, it’s right in the school! Woke up the next day and took the train into Vienna, looked around, went shopping, had lunch in the Australian bar, watched the rugby (Aus/England) and promptly got back on it... long island ice teas to begin with.... ouch! Saturday night was probably the best night iv ever lived through, we were partying all over the place!
Started off civilised, cocktails and academic conversations, next bar was a little less civilised (and a LOT more expensive) the American bar was ok, apart from a minor mishap with a candle and my hair.... thats right i set my hair on fire TAXI FOR FRANKIE! Next bar it all went out the window, at some point someone thought it would be a great idea to stand, hand on heart and recite the British national anthem.... far from being disgusted at our blatant British arrogance, the entire bar stood, placed their hand on their hearts and sang with us! I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again.... I LOVE AUSTRIA!
On to the club, where things get a little hazy, lots of dancing and photo games ensued, me and Nichol pretending we were promo girls for “Lion Bar” and demanding that strangers have a foto with us and the lion bar, which was completely fucked up and broken, i don’t know how anyone believed we were actually promo girls!!
So more party more party, until someone realised it was 6am and we should go and get the train, i fell asleep on the way home, woke up to walk to nichol’s and then fell asleep again, although i did give myself an internal high five when i woke up and realised i had managed to make the transition from going out clothes to pjamas without any wrong way round issues! J
The train back to Schladming was nothing short of horrific, i had the dirtiest hangover in the history of the living world and was not in the mood for any annoying train related situations at all........cue annoying train related situations, delays at every possible point in the trip and ticket checking whilst sleeping, a personal favourite of mine, thinking your being robbed and waking up in 2 seconds flat ready to kill for your handbag, only to be met by the apologetic/shocked face of the ticket conductor asking if he can see your ticket.
Got back to Schladderz about 12.00 and went straight to bed, but only had 2 hours at school today so that was good, and that takes us to the present moment, i’m sitting at my kitchen table updating my blog and wishing we could do this weekend all over again.... i truly love everyone who was involved and i reckon it would take somthing pretty incredible to make me forget it!!

Till next time! Tschuussss!! <3

1 comment:

  1. umm i just read this. i love you. the way you write is hilarious!! jokesss xoxo
